Order & Delivery

Order & Delivery

  1. Should you have any Queries, please contact us with an email directly to info@kantiherbal.com. We will get back to you at the earliest possible time.
  2. Once decision is made for Order, please go to Contact Us page and fill in the complete information and click Send OR send an email directly to order@kantiherbal.com and/or kantiherbal@gmail.com specifying the PRODUCT NAME, QUANTITY and DATE/PLACE OF DELIVERY. Should you need us to help with the shipment as well, please specify your requirements.
  3. Upon receipt of your order, our sales team would tender a Quotation with cost, estimated production time, estimated weight of the order and recommend a shipping mode. Incase you have requested for a shipment and insurance cost, you will also be provided with the same.
  4. For order confirmation, you would need to make 50% Advance Payment.
  5. Once advanced payment is received, our Production/Packaging would commence.
  6. You would need to Clear the 50% Due and Freight Cost (if any) before the dispatch date. Please note that the Nepal Government requires 100% advance payment for all shipments from Nepal.
  7. Once your order and production are complete, we will notify you and the freight forwarder and Handover the Goods to the Freight Forwarder.
  8. The freight forwarder will make the necessary Shipping Arrangements.
  9. Custom Clearance from Nepal will be carried out by the freight forwarder and us. Nevertheless, you will be liable for all custom clearance formalities at your end, for which you may need a clearing agent who knows all importing regulations at your end and who can arrange for all imports in your country.
  10. Upon Custom Clearance at your end, you can take the delivery of the goods.
    Courier – Incase of courier, the freight forwarder will arrange for the delivery at your doorstep.Air cargo – Incase of air cargo, the freight forwarder will hand over your shipment to you or to your clearing agent at the airport and you would need to transport it on your own
  11. Please ensure the quality and quantity of goods before you endorse the Goods Receipt Note from the freight forwarder. Incase of any discrepancies, please notify the freight forwarder and us immediately with a clear photograph.
  12. Returns and Replacements can be claimed only on production defects. Damage of any kind during the shipment would be the sole liability of the freight forwarder.



    • All payments will be made in USD, except in Nepal and India.
    • Nepal Government requires 100% advance payment for all shipments from Nepal. Payment schedule would be as described above.
    • Payment modes could be either via wire transfer or via credit card.

Wire Transfer – The full invoice including freight cost (if any) should be credited to our account. Incurring bank charges will be yours.

Credit Cards – You would need to fill up a credit card form from our bank to process the payment. Our bank only accepts MasterCard or Visa. Please note that the bank will charge 3% processing fees as their service charge, which would be added to your invoice.

For customers from India ONLY, we also accept Demand Drafts and Good for Payment Cheques.



We generally recommend shipments via air courier or air cargo. You can choose the best possible shipment mode based on the volume of your order.

Air Courier – We recommend air courier incase of orders under 30kgs.

Shipment Time – 2-5 days from the date of dispatch, depending on your location.

Delivery – The freight forwarder will arrange for the delivery at your door steps.

Incase if you have an account with any of the courier company (DHL, FEDEX etc.), you may use the same. You would need to provide us with the account number and name. The courier company may contact you for verification. Incase if you don’t have any appointed company, we will help you with the same. You would need to provide us with the full delivery location and the name of the nearest international airport.

Payment – For courier shipments, freight is generally prepaid by us and added to your invoice, unless you use your own appointed agent.


Air Cargo – We recommend air courier incase of orders above 30kgs.

Shipment Time – 5-15 days from the date of dispatch, depending on your location.

Delivery – The freight forwarder will hand over your shipment to you or to your clearing agent at the airport and you would need to arrange for the transportation.

Incase if you have your appointed freight forwarder, you may use the same. You would need to provide us with the contact details of the forwarder and the same freight forwarder will take care of all the shipment requirements. Incase if you don’t have any appointed forwarder, we will help you with the same. You would need to provide us with the full delivery location and the name of the nearest international airport for the same.

Payment – Most air cargo shipments are paid “Freight Collect”, which means that you would need to pay the freight charges to the freight forwarder directly at the time the goods are cleared through customs in your country.

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